Verzeichnis der Synchronizitäts-Beispiele:




Some Thoughts about the Relationship of Carl Jung's Depth Psychology To Quantum Physics and to Archetypal Psychosomatics, Part 3:This part contains the Kappa synchronicity which led me to my further insights about the negative energy of physics on a psychophysical level.


Wolfgang Pauli's Fludd/flood Synchronicity and the Future Development of Psychophysical Research: The meaning of the Pauli effect and the synchronicity which happened at the foundation ceremony of the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich in the year 1948 - still valid today...

Die Lilien-Synchronizität

Vortrag 1994 in Rom anlässilich der Vernissage der ital. Version der "Gottsucher" (incl. die eindrückliche Kappa-Synchronizität

Die Skarabäus-Synchronizität C.G. Jungs